Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Blau (da ba dee da ba di...)

Let me tell you why my Monday was awesome.

A woman studying here at the institute told Heather about a choir that rehearses every Monday night, with the subtext “everyone welcome” (well, if you insist.) So of course, Elisa and I both went along too, and I’m so happy we did. I mean, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, I barely understood what any of them were saying most of the time… but hey, it turns out some choral techniques are international, like imagining a string pulling from the top of your head or throwing an imaginary dart for accuracy. You know, the fun stuff.

The choir is very small; there were about 15 girls and only 5 or 6 guys (which made for a bit of a middle-school choir balance, but it could be worse.) It's run by students for whoever wants to show up, but it’s primarily university students who attend, some of whom live in the house in which rehearsals are held. It seems to be some sort of music fraternity-esque thing. The director is a student, too, so it's very relaxed, and we sang pretty simple, 4-part songs from the 16th century. I was just happy to sing again, despite the fact that there was an entire song about a flea.

But I saved the best for last…
What is this random, user-friendly choir called?
Blauen Sänger!
Is it merely a coincidence that it’s similar to “Midnight Blue?” Um, doubt it! Clearly, it's meant to be. (Also, the director was playing Lord of the Rings music during the break, so... we're going to get along just fine.)

Hurray! I get to sing in a choir in Germany! With university students! Eeee! 


  1. Katie your mom sent me a link to your blog and I've been reading it this morning at work in a thinly veiled attempt to procrastinate what I'm actually supposed to be doing which is, well, work. ANYhooo, I just have to tell you that I think you have a future as a writer. No, seriously. I kept chuckling over here at my desk to the point where my cubicle neigbor (pray that you never learn about cubicles) asked me what on earth was so funny. So thanks for the laughs.

  2. Please tell me this flea song did not conclude with twelve verses about some dumb bump on some dumb log that found its dumb self somehow submerged at the bottom of the ocean. For Pete's sake, Log, you're made of wood. You float!
    Keep writing, please. We all miss you dearly back in Ann Arbor (and secretely want to live through you vicariously.)

  3. It was clearly meant to be. :)
